
The ways to Open a PCB .brd File

The ways to Open a PCB .brd File


Choose the right program

You need to select the appropriate program to open a .brd file. You can use any of the programs listed below to open a .brd file.


Winning Bridge Saved Hand

WinBoard Project

RPG Toolkit Board Design File


EAGLE Layout Editor Board File

Pharmaceuticals Data Transfer Format

BizInt Smart Charts for

Note the File Type

You may open your .brd file with other programs. However, this depends on the file type. The file type is always listed in the properties of the file. All you need to do is to right-click the file on your PCB. Then select “properties” and check for “Type of File.”


If you are using a MAC computer, just right-click the file, select “More Info,” then check under “Kind”.


Ask the Developer

Also, you can contact the software developer. This is another way to  open a BRD file. Also, getting the developers for the programs used to open BRD files could be of help.


Make use of a Universal File Viewer

If all the above-mentioned methods don’t work for you, a universal file viewer is a reliable way to open a BRD file. The File Magic can open different types of files. However, this depends on the format. Also, some files may not work with these programs. Your .brd file will open in binary format if it isn’t compatible.

Contact Us

Contact: Ms Tracy

Phone: 0086 18682010757

Tel: 0086 18682010757

Add: BludingA,Shixiaganglian Industrial Park,Shajing,Baoan,Shenzhen,China

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