
The Benefits of PCB Files to Gerber File

The Benefits of PCB Files to Gerber File


Some engineers try to convert .PCB files into Gerber files. However, the majority of electronic engineers won’t convert a .PCB file into Gerber file and drilling data before submitting it to the factory. They would rather export the PCB file from the software and send it to the PCB manufacturers directly.


You may not need the Gerber file your PCB manufacturer converted. This is because PCB engineers and electronic engineers understand PCB differently. Also, if the parameter of the components in the PCB file is defined during the design, you don’t want to see them on the PCB.


The Gerber file features two formats RD-274-X and RS-274-D. The RS-274-X is the extended Gerber format that comprises D code information. Also, the RD-274-D is the basic Gerber format accompanied by a D code file.

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